Selasa, 25 Juli 2017

Business Plan

at Juli 25, 2017 0 comments

Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

Assignment : Describing a Line Graph

at Juli 09, 2017 17 comments
In English 3 (Business Communication), we study the subject with the goal of doing business with English-speaking countries, or with companies located outside the English-speaking world but which nonetheless use English as a shared language. Business communication can also be said to be the way employees, management and administration communicate in order to reach their organizational goals. In this posting, we are going to learn how to describe a line graph.

Please check out the video below about how to describing a line graph


Planning Stage
Time/ Tense
2011 – 2014 / Simple Past
Number of tourism destinations visiting by students
General Comment
London – increased gradually
Paris - increased and decreased at the end of the period
Rome – fluctuated over the period
London – gradually increased over the period and reach about 19000 students in 2014, become the highest number of students visiting in 2014
Paris- the lowest number of visitors in 2011 with 10000 students and increased sharply until 20000 students in 2013 but declined slightly at the end of the period.
Rome - the highest number of students visiting in the beginning of the period fell dramatically but thereafter rose sharply until 2013 and dropped slightly at the end of the period

The line graph illustrates the number of student visitors in London, Paris, and Rome between 2011 and 2014. 

By looking at the line graph, one thing that clearly stands out is the number of visitors in London increased slightly and gradually over the period. Meanwhile, the number of students visiting Paris rose sharply for two beginning years and fell in the last year. While the student visitors in Rome fluctuated from time to time.

In 2011, the number of students visiting London is approximately 15000 students and started increased gradually until around 19000 students in 2014 and became the highest amount of student visitors among these three countries.

Paris had the lowest number of student visitors with about 10000 in 2011 rose significantly until 2013 reach 20000 students and became the highest number of visitors at that time. This was followed by a slight dropped in 2014 with numbers about 18000 students.

On the other hand, Rome experienced a fluctuated trend over the period. Rome with 18000 students as the destination highest visitors in 2011 fell dramatically for a year and increased sharply in the next year. Then declined slightly in 2014 to a little above 15000 visitors became the lowest among other countries.