Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Curriculum VItae

at Juni 01, 2017

10 komentar:

  1. Hi, Diana. I have read your CV and I think it is well organized. Moreover, I like the fact that you design your CV. However, in the objectives part, it will be more effective if you write "A fresh graduate of Banking and Finance Management ..." than "A fresh graduate of Management concentrating in Banking and Finance ...". Overall, it is such a good CV. Good job, Diana. Keep improving!

  2. Dear Diana,

    So far I like your CV the most! your cv is well arranged and attractive also it shows how creative you are😀 idk what should I suggest for your CV because it's look good for me! good job and keep it up dekk😉

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Good job diana :) your CV is awesome and well organized

    I like your cv design ��

    Yours must be impressed the recruiter

    but for me it will be better if you change " certificate with grade A" turn to be "certified with grade A in invest class" ��

    Just my opiniom btw hehhe
    keep it up honey :*

  5. -Here is Rifky Dwi Hartono-
    Halo Diana, I have read your CV and it was organized well. You have given detailed information in your CV. Moreover, your CV design is very interested. Although, your margin are well not organized. Please notice about this problem, so that your CV will be more proffesional. Overall its good CV. Good Job, keep improving!

  6. Hi Diana,
    I have read your CV and it is really good. From the template appearance until the content, it is clear enough. You did a great job!

  7. Hi Diana! I like your CV because it is so simple yet appealing at the same time. Not to mention that it is also to the point. However, in the objective part maybe you can mention a little bit about your internship experience because it is basically the summary of your curriculum vitae. Overall it is good. Keep up the good work! :D

  8. Dear, Diana. Firstly, I would like to admit that CV is “new thing” for me, therefore pardon my “lack-of-experience” when giving the comment and I believe you have more experience than me (haha). But, I will try my best. I will start with the design which is tidy and clear enough since you divided into several section. It is simple and swift for reading. It’s complete and give the exact portion. This is quite ideal CV. Good job!

    My suggestion, perhaps you put your name in a big headline before you start with personal detail. Because I have read many CV and it is started with name as the headline. Need to be noticed that you need to put bullets for each point of your skills or achievement to make it more tidy. Also, I found you didn't capitalized the letter for "president" at Leadership section. Perhaps, you need to mentioned the name of seminar or workshop you had joined. Next, for the Teamwork section perhaps you may mentioned what you have done when you were in that team, for instance you support the team well. Lastly, you need to mentioned in which year you were joining the OSN.

    I think these all I can give you. Overall, you are the best and I can’t wait to see your next post. Keep improving 🙂 😀

  9. Hi diana!
    I really like your cover letter
    It's simple and really informative at the same time
    However i think you should add a little bit of your experience on your previous internship
    Keep up the good work! :)

  10. Hello my dear, i have read your CV and it looks like a professional CV as well. You did it with your great hardwork for resulting a CV with good quality contents and good design. However, I just a little bit confused with a sentence in the Willingness to Learn part. Please focused on the first sentence which is 'joining company visit to company.....' i think it will be better if you mention what company that you have been viisiting to, rather than just mention 'to company', because to make it more clear. Overall, good job Diana. Keep it up ;)
